


EN 日本語


AISIN, responsible for the creation of products related to Move (mobility), introduced the theme "Move = Office that Moves People's Hearts," with the goal of creating an office environment conducive to open and collaborative work dynamics.


Taking into account the balance with working from home, the office is positioned as a space for diverse dialogues, such as "dialogues with guests," "dialogues among top management," and “dialogues with counterparts online."


Notably, the social space designated for dialogues among employees incorporates natural light and provides a close connection to the trees of the outdoor terrace and landscape, symbolizing the theme of this project.


One distinctive zoning feature involves allocating a separate corridor area apart from the workspace, where facilities such as lactation rooms, first aid rooms, and tall storage units are all located, ensuring an open atmosphere within the workspace without impeding lines of sight.


Yet, to achieve a harmony between openness and privacy, meeting rooms feature randomly arranged window layouts to control lines of sight.

グループ会社3社が共有する執務スペースでは、組織単位で管理職も含めたフリーアドレス制度を導入しましたが、それぞれの組織が働くメインエリアは設けられています。その際にそれぞれの組織の境界線をはっきりと設けるのではなく、意図的に境界をぼかした意匠と、3m x 3m グリッド を使用した柔軟性の高いレイアウトシステムを採用しました。曖昧な境界線と、柔軟性に軸足をおいたレイアウトコンセプトが、急速な変化を求められるビジネスシーンに対応し、組織間の繋がりを促進します。

Within the shared workspace among three group companies, a hot-desking system including managerial personnel has been introduced, with each organization having its primary work area. Rather than distinctly defining the boundaries of each organization, a flexible layout system was adopted, incorporating intentionally blurred borders and a 3m x 3m grid. This concept of ambiguous boundaries and adaptability addresses the swiftly evolving business landscape, and fosters interconnectedness between organizations.

Client : Aisin Asia Pacific
Interior Design : FAST SPACE DESIGN
Collaborator : ITOKI Modernform
Photos : Wison Tungthunya & W Workspace
Design Director : Ryosuke Ebisawa
Project Lead : Hutsaya Sankosik